Looking forward to a great week!
Canlan York University (989 Murray Ross Pkwy, North York, ON L4K 4N5)
Monday March 10th to Thursday March 13th, 2025
$339 for the 4 day/8 hour camp (HST Included)
Email [email protected] for Sibling discount and Group (6 or more players) Discount Codes
Group 1 (9:00-11:00 AM)– House League/Select 2021-2016
Skating Puck Handling Technique and Shooting
This group is designed for players looking to excel technically on their current skill base. Instructor demonstrations challenge players to emulate what they are seeing, and instructor feedback allows them to continue to learn and perfect their technique. With a strict focus on repetition in skating, puck handling and shooting technique, this camp gets results!
Group 2 (11:00-1:00 PM)- A-AAA 2018-2009
Skating power, agility and advanced game situational skills
This camp caters to advancing the skill set of those players with a strong technical base and allowing them to connect the skills into game play scenarios. Intense, and focused on explosive improvement, this camps is sure get the heart pumping and legs burning.
Group 3 (1:00-3:00 PM)- A-AAA 2014-2009
Body Contact Clinic
The most popular body contact clinic in the GTA is back! Students will focus on low, deep knee bend skating, then transfer that knowledge to body contact posture and safety positions. The week will focus on generating power from the legs to give and receive body checks in a safe environment to get players accustom to contact. There will also be a focus on delivering/receiving checks in game situations as well as a refresher on stick checking and angling. Even if a student is not planning on playing body contact next season, it is a great camp for developing safe heads up hockey skills and being stronger on the puck.